A child enters the outdoor play area at the 儿童发展中心

CSC儿童发展中心实验室自1972年以来一直存在于查德龙州立大学校园. The Laboratory serves as an educational program for the purpose of “educating educators,他们关心和关心年幼的孩子.

All children are eligible to attend the Laboratory 无论收入如何 status, 比赛, 宗教, 起源, 文化背景, 性别, 住宅, 能力或家庭状况.


The Laboratory is state-licensed by the Nebraska Dep艺术ment of 健康 and Human Services, and Nationally-Accredited by the National Academy of Early Childhood 项目.




I. 愿景:


II. 使命:

The Laboratory meets the academic needs of students for experiential educational learning. 学生攻读学士学位,从三个独立的和独特的方案(家庭和消费者科学,Education and Special Education) utilize the Laboratory to complete course requirements.

3. 描述:

实验室的主要功能是为查德隆州立学院学生的学术准备提供支持. 本化验所亦透过为有幼儿的家庭提供高质素的幼儿护理服务,为社区及地区提供服务, 除了Job Corp和Alliance Practical Nursing项目之外,还为初高中学生提供实习机会, 还有一个为老年人和校友提供志愿服务的网站.

IV. 目的:

The purpose of the CSC儿童发展中心实验室 is three-fold:

  1. 为本科生和研究生提供支持实践推理的教育机会, critical thinking and application of knowledge base information in a realistic setting,
  2. To provide families with young children between the ages of 2 and 9 high quality, 与发展相适应的, 主动学习和自然包容的幼儿体验,支持个性化的学习和发展.
  3. 提供一个环境,让学生在合格教师的指导下进行应用研究.

V. 目的:

  • 机构社区:
    • Constantly strive for an atmostphere of mutual support and respect among faculty, 工作人员, 家庭和儿童
    • 承认并赞美每个人的独特性
  • 公共关系:
    • 在实验室之间建立积极的关系, FCS项目, 大学, 以及当地和地区社区
    • Create a strong 图像 and 积极的 awareness for the mission of the Laboratory
  • 区域服务:
    • Recognize, assess, and provide for the differing needs of students, 家庭和儿童
    • Assume a leadership role in promoting high quality early learning
  • 资源及设施:
    • Focus resources on defined priorities and productive activities
    • 保持现代, 安全, 可访问的, and functional facilities that meet the program needs and expectations of future educators
    • Generate new sources of public, private, and internal funding
  • 教与学:
    • 通过主动学习,为学生提供广泛的灵活和创造性的替代学习机会, 自然包容的环境
    • Review and modify curriculum to reflect desired student learning outcomes
    • Introduce and promote global awareness, multicultural perspectives and regional relevance
    • Expose students to and develop an understanding of diversity and multicultural perspectives
    • Provide innovative and supportive learning opportunities for students at all levels of competency
    • Develop skills for accessing information and evaluating individual development through natural, 包容的设置
    • 整合收购, 发现, 并通过知识的应用和实验学习,培养学生更高层次的学习和应用技能
    • 将创造性的教学原则与真实的应用和评估经验相结合




CSC儿童发展中心实验室支持“建构主义”的理念,让孩子们通过自然的支持来积极建构自己的学习, 包容的环境.

实验室的工作人员相信,“所有的孩子都可以学习”,如果有机会成为积极参与他们的世界的爱支持, 了解儿童成长和发展的有爱心的成年人.




The program philosophy is to assist adults and children as they

  • 建立积极、健康的自我观念
  • grow and develop 社会ly, 在情感上, 物理ly, and intellectually
  • develop in a warm, 安全, secure, friendly, and loving environment
  • 发展一个整体, 通过提供积极参与内部和外部学习经验的机会,全面发展个性
  • 培养自律和独立
  • 感受尊严和尊重
  • 口头表达他们的感受和情绪
  • 培养性格和对周围世界的理解
  • 吃有营养的零食和午餐
  • receive a high quality planned program that creates interest, 火花的创造力, 并且有一个例程支持
  • prepare for transitions from one educational experience to another


“Children have real understanding only of that which they invent themselves, and each time that we try to teach them something too quickly, 我们要阻止他们自己重新发明.——皮亚杰

“...孩子至少有机会获得的兴趣就越多, the more chance he will have to hit upon some interests that are suited to his p艺术icular gifts.——阿尔弗雷德·T. Jersild


A group of children play outside the 儿童发展中心

The 查德隆州立大学 儿童发展中心实验室 is a licensed, 全国认可的, 自然和包容的早期儿童计划.

The Laboratory serves as an educational opportunity for students, 还有一个儿童保育和教育机构,为有2至9岁幼儿的家庭提供服务.

该实验室作为高质量早期学习经验的典范,支持主动学习和适合发展的实践,因为自然成长过程发生在社会上, 在情感上, 身体和智力.


高范围课程是基于一个计划, do and review process that allows children to develop life skills.


  • 为学生提供实际应用知识库信息和技能发展的机会
  • 为所有儿童提供优质的照顾和教育, 无论收入如何, 比赛, 宗教, 住宅, 性别, 能力或出身
  • 为家庭提供教育支持机会

** Parent and family involvement is strongly encouraged and always welcome!


CSC儿童发展中心实验室顾问委员会每年审查和更新有关实验室结构和运作的政策. 制定政策以支持内布拉斯加州卫生和人类服务部许可机构所要求的质量举措, the National Academy of Early Childhood 项目 accreditation standards, and the Head St艺术 guidelines established by the federal government.

A copy of current policies is available for review in the Laboratory.




7:00 - 8:00欢迎、登记、下车、自我探索
-自我发现时间-孩子们选择一项他们感兴趣的活动来参与和探索(戏剧游戏), 写作和画画, 教具, 阁楼, 块, 本书/读写区域)
上午8:00 - 8:30大型团体
- May consist of songs, dancing, calendar, weather, story-time, alphabet, number & 识字探索,手语练习
8:30 - 9:00早餐
- Children and teachers sit together and eat a family style meal
9:00 - 9:15早会 & 每日一课
- Children and teachers all meet for morning lesson and briefly discuss the theme
9:15 - 10:00小组时间/站位→自我发现
-根据孩子的发展水平/需要,将他们分成不同的小组,参加由老师指导的主题活动/小站. Children engage in self-发现 when stations are complete (Dramatic play, 写作和画画, 教具, 阁楼, 块, 书/读写区域, 数学, 感觉, 等.)
10:00 - 11:00户外时间
-儿童和教师在我们的自然探索认证公园进行大运动/体育活动, 天气允许(也可提供室内粗马达)
11:00 - 12:00午餐
11:45 - 12:00自我发现
12:00 - 12:15浴室 & 刷牙
-孩子们一次一组地进入浴室, 洗手, 如厕, 给他们刷牙
12:15 - 2:00午睡时间
12:15 - 1:00户外时间
-不午睡的孩子, go outside to engage in gross motor/物理 activities in our 自然探索 Certified parks, 天气允许(也可提供室内粗马达)
中午1:00 - 2:00
-不午睡的孩子 engage in preschool activities to help develop literacy, 语言, 认知, 物理, 社会情感, 数学, 科学, 技术, 艺术技巧
2:00 - 2:30自我发现
- Children choose an activity of their interest (Manipulatives, 写作和画画, 表演游戏, 科学, 感觉, 本书/识字探索)
2:30 - 3:00吃点心
- Children and teachers sit together and eat snack (style of eating varies: outside picnic, 家庭内部风格, 等.)
3:00 - 3:30户外活动时间
-儿童和教师在我们的自然探索认证公园进行大运动/体育活动, 如果天气允许的话
3:30 - 4:30下午站
- Children of mixed ages are divided into small groups to engage in various math, 科学, 艺术, 勘探站
4:30 - 5:30自我发现/户外活动
5:30再见 & 关闭


7:00 a.m. 直到下午五点半.m.

Full Day or P艺术 Day Care, Full Year Care and Education Opportunities are Available




Two children play with a student volunteer at the 儿童发展中心

我们很高兴能满足您家庭的儿童保育和教育需求, 主动学习, 自然和包容的幼儿实验室.Our 工作人员 will do their best to meet your child’s individual needs, 与家人建立良好的关系, 并促进安全, 积极的, 养育和爱的环境.

CSC儿童发展中心实验室提供了一个基于游戏的紧急课程,该课程侧重于通过日常工作使用计划-执行-审查过程的项目方法. The needs and interests of every child are met through purposeful play in a 积极的, well-designed early learning environment that integrates 物理, 社会, 情感, 认知, and 语言 opportunities throughout the day both inside and outside.


The CSC儿童发展中心实验室 is located on 查德隆州立大学 campus, 在上层, 212房间, Burkhiser科技中心. The outside learning environment spreads across the east entrance of the Center.

The official address of the Laboratory for correspondence purposes is:

Chadron, NE 69337

National Association for the Education of Young Children logo 自然探索户外学习环境标志